So you have just moved into a rental property? Maybe you’re a seasoned renter and are saving for something to call your own, maybe you’re building or renovating your home
So you have just moved into a rental property? Maybe you’re a seasoned renter and are saving for something to call your own, maybe you’re building or renovating your home
How many times have you gone to look at a rental property and it looks more like a crack den than somewhere you would want to live. Looking around all you
Do you ever look at your home and think when did my relaxing space become a kids war zone? What used to resemble your lounge room is now a mind
When it comes to children’s bedrooms so many people freak out about how to create ‘the perfect’ look. They see a styled image in a magazine or online and decide
What is the right height to hang artwork?
What is the right size rug for my living room?
How do you decorate a small space?
How to find out what your interior style is.
How to choose a colour scheme for your home.
Need help choosing an interior style for your home but not exactly sure what your style is?
Have a go at this quick and easy quiz to help you find a look that suits your taste and ways you can achieve the look you love.