For such a long time I’ve wanted to write but I’ve always put it off because I didn’t feel I had anything interesting or important to say.
I realize that all my life I’ve been afraid to put myself out there encase I fail, i worry that I’m not experienced enough or funny enough or inspirational enough but I realize that its not about any of that, it’s about trying.
I had an epiphany whilst cleaning the toilet ( I know strange place to have one?) but I realized that if I have one regret in life it isn’t going to be failing it’s going to be not trying.
I have an 8 month old son now whose happy and healthy and I worried before he arrived that I wasn’t going to be able to be a mother, I was scared of what I didn’t know but I look at him now and realize that I am doing it, every day.
I have decided that from this moment on I am going to work at not letting fear get the better of me and do things for myself that serve my heart and not be stopped by the noise in my head.
If nothing else this is my chance to do what I love and write about what matters to me and if I inspire or make someone smile along the way then it will all be worth it.
Image via Pinterest