It’s no surprise that 2020 has been pretty different to previous years with Covid19 completely changing the way we live and many people being in isolation or having to stay at home.
Like so many others I have been missing the activities I used to do prior to the pandemic and at times have felt at a loss for things to do around the house, especially with my kids!
When you’re forced to stay home the days can feel long and monotonous, so I thought why not help others combat the feeling of ‘ground hog day’ by writing a post dedicated to easy DIY decorating ideas that you can do in the comfort of your own home no matter what size space you live in.
Repurpose old vases/planters/bowls
Do you have a “less than lovely” vase your grandma gave you that you’re not sure what to do with? It’s time to dig it out of the cupboard and re-purpose it.
An easy way to bring old ceramics back to life is to paint them. This can be done using any type of chalk paint such as Rust-Oleum Chalked Ultra Matt Paint which comes in both paint form or spray can for easy application.
The process is fairly easy, make sure the surface of the item you’re painting is clean, give it a light sand and away you go. To create a more textured finish you can also try using a textured paste such as Boyle 250ml LENi Texture Paste
Remember it’s not just vases that can be re-purposed, you can give many other decor items a new lease on life such as bowls, planter pots and picture frames.
Image by Collective Gen
Create a succulent bowl
Whether you live in an apartment or house, something everyone can do is plant a succulent garden.
Depending on the size of the garden you want to create choose an appropriate size bowl that will suite your space.
Fill the bowl with your choice of potting mix such as Yates 2.5L Cacti And Succulents Specialty Potting Mix.
Using an assortment of succulents which you can buy at your local garden centre, plant store or by using off cuts from other succulents, create an arrangement by placing the largest most colourful plant in the middle of the bowl.
Place a mixture of the other succulents around the one in the centre. Be sure to use different plants to add texture and colour to your bowl and don’t be afraid to plant them close together as you want to create a lush crowded look.
Fill in any gaps with soil and gravel, pebbles or stones such as dressing pebbles and add water.
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Make your own wall art
Whilst I’ve been stuck at home with my 4 year old I’ve been searching the internet for fun activities that I can do with him and something I came across which is genius and super easy is creating your own wall art using potatoes!
The idea is to basically create a stamp by cutting the vegetable into a shape of your choice.
All you need for this are some potatoes (or any other root vegetable), craft paints, watercolour paper sold at any art and craft store and a paint brush.
To create your very own art work, cut a potato into a shape of your choosing such as a crescent. Paint the underside of the potato with a generous amount craft paint and press it firmly onto the watercolour paper.
Repeat the process to create a pattern and leave to dry. Once you’ve created your masterpiece you can even frame it.
Image via
I hope you have found this blog useful and it’s given you some ideas to fill the day whilst we have to stay indoors.
For more ideas on things to do in the home, you might like to check out “Easy Styling Tips That Won’t Break The Bank”